Jan 9Liked by Benjamin R. Stockton

Trump supporter don't think they will be spared! They don't think. What's Wrong with America is Americans. The New York Times devoted most of this week's Magazine to a pathetic anorexic. Who cares that one crazy starves herself while one billion people are actually starving. And this is the New York Times. We are onesie twosie people who are no longer relevant.

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Jan 9Liked by Benjamin R. Stockton

If Ozempic had not been invented our entire health care system would collapse in five years. NO one can dispute this since 65% are actually obese. Maybe we have to let Trump win and then address our failure since we never act prophylactively. All this phony liberals who say they will leave if he is elected don't want to recognize that he can because our "exceptional" American citizens are bad news.

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Jan 9Liked by Benjamin R. Stockton

So easy to get rid of ElectoralCollege; make voting compulsory so at least 95% vote; take all money out of campaigning and limit it to 5 weeks and more. So easy to fix but no one wants to change the system.

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Half the country is of the peerless in vacuous idiocy variety, likely feel that the world has dealt them a bad hand, and an unctuous derp like Trump will bring them at worst, a little more of what they deserve... mix in a bunch of religious serfdom, and you’ll end up with a diapered quivering orange jello mold of oleaginous sewage back in the White House!

Excellently crafted piece Ben, you’re definitely on to something that shouldn’t happen, but likely will!

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